VLSI mini and major project best in 2020

VLSI Mini and major project for ECE 2019 to 2020

1. Reconfigurable Constant Multiplication for FPGAs

2. Design of Power and Area Efficient Approximate Multipliers

3. Multipliers-Driven Perturbation of Coefficients for Low-Power Operation in Reconfigurable FIR Filters

4. A Computationally Efficient Reconfigurable Constant Multiplication Architecture Based on

5. CSD Decoded Vertical–Horizontal Common Sub-Expression Elimination Algorithm

6. Design of Low Power 8-Bit Carry Select Adder Using Adiabatic Logic

7. Hardware Design of an Energy-Efficient High-Throughput Median Filter

8. VLSI Implementation of 3D Integer DCT for Video Coding Standards

9. Low-Cost High-Performance VLSI Architecture for Montgomery Modular Multiplication

10. Pre-Encoded Multipliers Based on Non-Redundant Radix-4 Signed-Digit Encoding

11. Delay Efficient Error Detection and Correction of Parallel IIR Filters using VLSI Algorithms

12. Addition of Miller and Inverted Manchester Encoding Technique to Dedicated Short Range Communication with Full Hardware Utilization

13. Carry Speculative Adder with Variable Latency for Low Power VLSI

14. A New VLSI Algorithm for a High-Throughput Implementation of Type IV DCT

15. Design and Implementation of 64 Bit Multiplier using Vedic Algorithm

16. A 0.3-V 37-nW 53-dB SNDR Asynchronous Delta–Sigma Modulator in 0.18-μm CMOS

17. Exploiting Algorithmic Noise Tolerance for Scalable On-Chip Voltage Regulation

18. Low-Power Near-Threshold 10T SRAM Bit Cells With Enhanced Data-Independent Read Port Leakage for Array Augmentation in 32-nm CMOS

19. Radiation-Hardened 14T SRAM Bitcell With Speed and Power Optimized for Space Application

20. An Accurate and Noise-Resilient Spread-Spectrum Clock Tracking Aid for Digitally-Controlled Clock and Data Recovery Loops

21. VLSI Design of an ML-Based Power-Efficient Motion Estimation Controller for Intelligent Mobile Systems

22.Fast Neural Network Training on FPGA Using Quasi-Newton Optimization Method



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