
Showing posts from January, 2020

VLSI mini and major project best in 2020

VLSI Mini and major project for ECE 2019 to 2020 1. Reconfigurable Constant Multiplication for FPGAs 2. Design of Power and Area Efficient Approximate Multipliers 3. Multipliers-Driven Perturbation of Coefficients for Low-Power Operation in Reconfigurable FIR Filters 4. A Computationally Efficient Reconfigurable Constant Multiplication Architecture Based on 5. CSD Decoded Vertical–Horizontal Common Sub-Expression Elimination Algorithm 6. Design of Low Power 8-Bit Carry Select Adder Using Adiabatic Logic 7. Hardware Design of an Energy-Efficient High-Throughput Median Filter 8. VLSI Implementation of 3D Integer DCT for Video Coding Standards 9. Low-Cost High-Performance VLSI Architecture for Montgomery Modular Multiplication 10. Pre-Encoded Multipliers Based on Non-Redundant Radix-4 Signed-Digit Encoding 11. Delay Efficient Error Detection and Correction of Parallel IIR Filters using VLSI Algorithms 12. Addition of Miller...

Communication based mini and major project for ECE

Communication based Engineering Project work for ECE Here, we have listed out some important and useful projects based on electronics and communication. These projects are mainly helpful for final year engineering students. These project ideas include projects based on various categories like DTMF, GSM, RF, RFID, Smartcard, etc. Wireless communication is defined as the transfer of information over a distance without using any enhanced electrical conductors or wires. The distance may be short or long depends on the requirements and availabilities. There are many projects related to wireless communication. So, let us once look at some of  wireless communication  based projects ideas collected especially for engineering students. We hope these project ideas are more helpful to many final year students to complete their B.Tech successfully TYPES: Communication using MATLAB Communication Projects using Labview Bluetooth Communication Projects GSM Communicatio...

VEDA IIT Sample Questions Paper

VEDA IIT Junior Engineer Trainee sample exam Questions Voltage and Current Parallel Circuits Capacitors RLC Circuits and Resonance Operational Amplifiers Ohm's Law Alternating Current and Voltage RL Circuits Time Response of Reactive Circuits Basic Op-Amp Circuits Measurement, Conversion and Control Alternating Current vs Direct Current Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJT) Thyristors and Tranducers Number Systems and Codes Logic Circuit Simplification Programmable Logic Devices (PLD) Combinational Logic Circuits Sequential Logic Circuits Semiconductor Memory Computer Hardware and Software Aptitude sample Questions 1. 90 people applied for a job as a salesperson for a book publishing company. 10 of the applicants had never worked in sales or in publishing business. 65 had worked in sales at some point and 58 had some background in publishing.How many of the applicants...

VEDA IIT Jr engineer trainees 2020 || Syllabus topic Exam Patten

VEDA IIT Jr. Engineer Trainee 2020  Syllabus & Test Pattern: The focus of the exam is to evaluate the applicant’s knowledge in Digital, Microprocessors, C Programming and aptitude. Presence of mind, attitude, intuition and ability to apply knowledge will be important for success in the exam. The written exam comprises of 1 mark, 2 marks, 3 marks/4 marks questions in the following pattern Fill in the blanks Short Answers Questions Problems Examination Syllabus for Main test : *Applicants need to bring their own pencils, pens, erasers etc. Question paper cum answer booklet will be provided at the center. Sample Questions with Online Exam With  India Bix click below link for syllabus online exam and Sample Questions Basic Electronics & Aptitude Voltage and Current Parallel Circuits Capacitors RLC Circuits and Resonance Operational Amplifiers Ohm's Law Alt...